Loudoun County recently selected GKY to provide professional services in support of the Loudoun County Stormwater Management Program. This contract will assist the County with ongoing development and execution of its Stormwater Management Program to meet the requirements and intent of Virginia’s Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitting process and support a viable Stormwater Management Program that minimizes localized flooding and reduces the discharge of pollutants into receiving waterways. County program activities supported under this contract may include TMDL action planning, BMP inspection, stormwater conveyance structure inspection, illicit discharge inspection, investigations, studies, analyses, engineering design, geotechnical analysis, infrastructure location and mapping, preparation of reports, preparation of drawings and specifications, developing cost estimates, developing plans and programs for public education and outreach, and other work as necessary for Loudoun County to develop and execute BMPs as required by the Virginia Small MS4 General Permit. GKY has been providing similar services to Loudoun County for the past twenty-plus years and is excited to continue this support!
For more information or to discuss how GKY can assist your community, please call our Chantilly, Virginia office at (703) 870-7000, our Richmond office at (804) 375-2200, or send us a message through the website at http://www.gky.com/contact/.